Case of mistaken identity (examine fingerprints)
First impressions (make castings or prints at a crime scene)
Soles are the window to the body (predict a suspect's height)
Mapping the scene (connect the dots of crime scenes)
Hide me! (experiment with the principles of the cloak of invisibility)
Dude, where's my dog (teach bloodhound techniques to your dog)
Yo! Whodunnit? (test observational memories)
Now you see it (assess how to improve visual memory)
About face (how do people recognize faces?)
Pants on fire (find the liar)
Facing the truth (read split-second facial expressions)
Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin! (study hair)
Blood on your hands (analyze spilled blood)
Criminals use tricks (deflect people's attention with sleight of hand)
Write did it (analyze handwriting and paper fibers)
Reading the mail (decipher the postal bar codes)
Biowarfare defense (study and compare anthraxlike substances)
DNA necklace (extract your own DNA)
Who died? (take attendance at a decomposition)
Picture this (heighten observation and memory).