Preface, or, the three Cs : content, context and your child
What exactly is this video doing to my baby's brain?
Is TV turning my tot into a zombie?
Could my child learn from baby videos?
My toddler doesn't seem to notice when the TV is on
Which videos are too scary for my child?
What is educational about "educational" TV?
Could the right DVD teach my child to speak, or better yet, become bilingual?
Can electronic media enrich my child's vocabulary?
Could this program teach my child to be a good person?
Is interactive media worthwhile
or at least better than TV?
Will screen time make my children fat?
How do real families make smart media choices?
Appendix I: Movie review web sites
Appendix II: Web sites reviews of interactive media
Appendix III: Resources on the use of electronic media with children who have special needs.