Pt. 1. disc 1. 1.From Jesus to the Creation of the Church - 2.The First Christian Institutions - 3.Christianities in the Early Church - 4.Persecution and Saints - 5.Peace between Empire and Church - 6.Institutional and Doctrinal Developments
pt. 1. disc 2. 7.Latin Theology, Including Augustine - 8.Popes and Bishops in the Early Middle Ages - 9.Monasticism-Benedict and His Rule - 10.Evangelizing Northern and Eastern Europe - 11.The Germanization of Christianity - 12.Charlemagne and the Church in Feudal Times
pt. 2. disc 3. 13.Monks and Hermits-New Forms of Monasticism - 14.Papal Reform and Church-State Controversies - 15.Crusade, Heresy, Inquisition - 16.The Papacy-Innocent III to Boniface VIII - 17.Francis, Dominic, and the Mendicants - 18.Flowering of Church Art in the Middle Ages
pt. 2. disc 4. 9.Scholastic Thought - 20.Medieval Mysticism - 21.The Great Schism and the Conciliar Age - 22.The Renaissance Church - 23.Luther, Calvin, and the Reformation - 24.Catholic Responses-The Council of Trent
pt. 3. disc 5. 25.The Jesuits - 26.Catholicism in Asia and the New World - 27.American Catholicism - 28.The Church in the Age of Reason - 29.Pius IX and Papal Infallibility - 30.Leo XIII and the Modern World
pt. 3. disc 6. 31.The Eastern Catholic Churches - 32.The Second Vatican Council - 33.The Catholic Church Looks Outward - 34.The Challenges of New Theologies - 35.John Paul II and the 21st-Century Church - 36.One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic