Echo and the mirror en abîme in Victorian poetry / Gerhard Joseph --
Mirror's secret : Dante Gabriel Rossetti's double work of art / J. Hillis Miller --
Browning's anxious gaze / Ann Wordsworth --
Pragmatics of silence, and the figuration of the reader in Browning's dramatic monologues / Jennifer A. Wagner-Lawlor --
Dramatic monologue and the overhearing of lyric / Herbert F. Tucker --
Matthew Arnold's gispies : intertextuality and the new historicism / Antony Harrison --
A new radical aesthetic : the grotesque as cultural critique : Morris / Isobel Armstrong --
Alienated majesty : Gerard M. Hopkins / Geoffrey Hill --
Fact and tact : Arnoldian fact-finding and Q tactlessness in the reading of Gerard Hopkins / Valentine Cunningham --
'A thousand times I'd be a factory girl': Dialect, domesticity, and working-class women's poetry in Victorian Britain / Susan Zlotnick --
'The fruitful feud of hers and his': Sameness, difference, and gender in Victorian poetry / Dorothy Mermin --
'Eat me, drink me, love me': The consumable female body in Christina Rossetti's Goblin market / Mary Wilson Carpenter --
Browning's corpses / Carol T. Christ --
A. E. Housman and 'the colour of his hair' / Christopher Ricks --
Tennyson's 'Little Hamlet' / David G. Riede --
Disappointment of Christina G. Rossetti / Eric Griffiths --
Stirring 'a dust of figures': Elizabeth Barrett Browning and love / Angela Leighton --
'Love, let us be true to one another': Matthew Arnold, Arthur Hugh Clough and 'our aqueous ages' / Joseph Bristow --
'Poets and lovers evermore': the poetry and journals of Michael Field / Chris White --
Swinburne at work : the first page of 'Anactoria' / Timothy A. J. Burnett --
Naming and not naming : Tennyson and Mallarmé / Mary Ann Caws and Gerhard Joseph.