Athena's city -- 1. The water-clock: time to be judged -- 2. Athena's city -- 3. Socrates in the Agora -- 4. The Stoa of the King -- 5. The first blood sacrifice -- 6. Checks, balances and magic-men -- 7. Persuade or obey -- 8. Peitho, the power of persuasion --
Socrates as a young man -- 9. Alopeke: a philosopher is born -- 10. Kerameikos: potters and beautiful boys -- 11. Pericles: high society, and democracy as high theatre -- 12. Delos: and the birth of an empire -- 13. Purple ambition -- 14. Paddling in the river, sweating in the gym: Socratic youth -- 15. Gym-hardened fighting men -- 16. 'Golden Age' Athens -- 17. Aspasia: Sophe kai politike, wise and politically astute --
Socrates the soldier -- 18. Samos -- 19. Flexing muscles -- 20. Socrates the soldier -- 21. Demons and virtues -- 22. The plague --
New gods, new possibilities: Socrates in middle age -- 23. Silver Owls and a wise owl -- 24. Hot air in the Agora -- 25. Democracy, liberty and freedom of speech -- 26. The good life: after dark -- 27. Delphi, the Oracle -- 28. Gnothi seauton: know yourself -- 29. Aristocrats, democrats and the realities of war --
The fight goes on -- 30. The Peloponnesian War, phase two: a messy siege -- 31. Brickbats and bouquets -- 32. Amphipolis --
Socrates and love -- 33. Socrates in the symposium -- 34. The trouble with love -- 35. Oh, tell me the truth about love -- 36. Diotima: a very social priestess -- 37. Little Bears -- 38. Xanthippe -- 39 Alcibiades: violet-crowned, punch-drunk --
Cutting down the tallest corn -- 40. Melos -- 41. Venus de Milo abused -- 42. Priest of nonsense: playing with fire -- 43. Sicily -- 44. Rivers of blood -- 45. Decelea: closing down the mines -- 46. Time of terror -- 47. Arginusae: standing out in the crowd -- 48. Tall poppies, cut corn -- 49. Thirty Tyrants --
The trial and death of Socrates -- 50. The scapegoat -- 51. An apology -- 52. Twilight and Delos at dawn -- 53. Socrates bound -- 54. Flight from the world --
Coda: The tomb of Socrates: the Tower of the Winds
Appendix one: Honouring Aphrodite
Appendix two: Mysteria: the Eleusinian Mysteries.