Volume 1. Origins and destinies. The origins of religion / Todd Tremlin
The problem of good (and evil): arguing about axiological origins in science and religion / F. LeRon Shults
Sacral kingship and the origins of religious, social, and political orders / Francis Oakley and Benjamin B. Rubin
Figurines, religion, and tradition in human evolution / Kathryn Coe, Christine S. VanPool, and Craig T. Palmer
Does the Gaia hypothesis bring myth back to the world? / Robert A. Segal
Perspectives on cosmogony / Varadaraja V. Raman
Human insignificance? Cosmology and creation stories / Willem B. Drees
Meaning and purpose in evolutionary biology / Michael Ruse
The ultimate meaning of the human project / John F. Haught.
Volume 2. Persons and groups. The origins and originators of religion / Patrick McNamara
Religious cognition and the brain / P. Monroe Butler
Science, theology, and the relational self / Léon Turner
Religious and spiritual experiences / Wesley J. Wildman
Empathy, cruelty, and religion: a cognitive-scientific perspective / John Teehan
A new conceptual approach to religion, initiation, and social identity: a comparison of traditional Jewish and Ndembu rituals / Craig T. Palmer, Rick Goldberg, and Lyle B. Steadman
Sacrifice and science / Kathryn McClymond and David M. Bell
Is there such a thing as a Christian child? Evidence of religious beliefs in early childhood / Josh Rottman and Deborah Kelemen
Adolescence and religion: an evolutionary perspective / Candace S. Alcorta
Religion and old age: Christianity and East Asian Buddhist reflections / James W. Ellor and Ronald Y. Nakasone
Faith and finitude: exhuming the death-denying function of religious belief / Kenneth E. Vail III, Spee Kosloff, Matthew Vess, and Dev Ashish.
Volume 3. Religions and controversies. Science and Judaism/Christianity dialogue on the authority of sacred texts and leaders / Norbert M. Samuelson and J. Eugene Clay
Religion and fanaticism (Is religion dangerous?) / James K. Wellman Jr.
Dying for an idea: voluntary death, afterlife beliefs, and their role in the quest for immortality / Charles A. Ziegler and Benson Saler
Science and religious supremacy: toward a naturalist theology of religions / F. LeRon Shults
Religious experience, personal and impersonal gods, and teleology / Natasha Fredericks and Charles Taliaferro
Religion and biological evolution: how well do they fit? / Wesley J. Wildman, John A. Darling, and Connor P. Wood
Ennuitheism / Joseph A. Bulbulia
Religion and magical thinking: is religion a delusion? / Richard Grigg
Religion and the ecosphere: is religion eco-friendly? / Susan P. Bratton
The future of an illusion : cognitive theories / William Sims Bainbridge.