Foreword / Bill McKibben --
Introduction / James P. Lenfestey --
In the matter of human v. bee / Sherman Alexie --
On bees / Thorsten Bacon --
Alas / Aliki Barnstone --
Eleven tiny commandments / Willis Barnstone --
First light / John Barr --
A/B/C scenarios / Tree Bernstein --
Boy with honeybee hair / Barry Blumenfeld --
Words rising / Robert Bly --
24th May: collecting the bees / Sean Borodale --
6th September: wild comb notes / Sean Borodale --
10th February: queen / Sean Borodale --
Medicine / Karina Borowicz --
Ruins / Karina Borowicz --
Summer at the orphanage / Laure-Anne Bosselaar --
Honey / Jill Breckenridge --
"Of A' the Airts the Wind Can Blaw" / Robert Burns --
Melissographia / John Burnside --
Two new world bees: carpenter bee / John Caddy --
Leaf cutter bee / John Caddy --
Landing the bees / Jared Carter --
Bees / Sharon Chmielarz --
earth / Lucille Clifton --
Inscription for a fountain on a heath / Samuel Taylor Coleridge --
Angel of bees / Lorna Crozier --
The sacrament of the bees / Annie Deppe --
With flowers / Emily Dickinson --
The bee is not afraid of me / Emily Dickinson --
Possession / Emily Dickinson --
Two worlds / Emily Dickinson --
The bee / Emily Dickinson --
Could I but ride indefinite / Emily Dickinson --
The pedigree of honey / Emily Dickinson --
To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee / Emily Dickinson --
B / Josephine Dickinson --
Bees / Carol Ann Duffy --
Ariel / Carol Ann Duffy --
Virgil's bees / Carol Ann Duffy --
The humble-bee / Ralph Waldo Emerson --
Intimate detail / Heid E. Erdrich --
Stung / Heid E. Erdrich --
The Buzzeinge bee's complaynt / Earl of Essex (Robert Devereaux) --
Alienation: two bees / Lawrence Ferlinghetti --
Workers (attendants) / Nick Flynn --
Blind huber (iii) / Nick Flynn --
Supersedure / Stuart Friebert --
Ode to the beekeeper / Ross Gay --
Up against it / Eamon Grennan --
The language of bees / Barbara Hamby --
Outside work / Tom Hennen --
The man who talked to his bees / Jim Heynen --
Elegy for the Bee-God / Selima Hill --
In summer, everything is something's twin / Brenda Hillman --
Bees / Jane Hirshfield --
Haiku / Kobayashi Issa --
My bees: an allegory / Helen Hunt Jackson --
Prairie bees / Naomi Jackson --
Ecstatic / George Johnston --
Prayer / Susan Deborah King --
The bee-boy's song / Rudyard Kipling --
Flapper / D. H. Lawrence --
On finding a drone bee and a painted lady in the same claret cup of cactus blossom / David Lee --
Honey / James P. Lenfestey --
Blaming the bee / James P. Lenfestey --
Beard of bees / Nathaniel "Max" Lenfestey --
Her sting / Nathaniel "Max" Lenfestey --
Invective against the bumblebee / Diane Lockward --
Song / Antonio Machado --
Proverbs and songs / Antonio Machado --
Last night, as I lay sleeping / Antonio Machado --
The bees / Bruce MacKinnon --
The necklace / Osip Mandelstam --
Foraging honey-bees / Thomas McCarthy --
The January bee / Paula Meehan --
Bees awater / Robert Morgan --
Moving the bees / Robert Morgan --
Life of a queen / Lisel Mueller --
Not just a question of fertility / Amy Nash --
Ode to the bee / Pablo Neruda --
Bee wolf / Aimee Nezhukumatathil --
Antics of bees / Joan Nicholson --
Honeybee / Naomi Shihab Nye --
Bees were better / Naomi Shihab Nye --
Pollen / Naomi Shihab Nye --
Happiness / Mary Oliver --
Honey at the Table / Mary Oliver --
A sort of honey / Joe Paddock --
The death of the bee / Linda Pastan --
The bee meeting / Sylvia Plath --
Bumblebee in the basement / James Silas Rogers --
Service with Benediction / Pattiann Rogers --
Illusory / Paul B. Roth --
When grapes turn to wine / Rumi --
Night hum / Jay Salter --
Non-colonizing native bees / Jay Salter --
Happy hour at the prickly pear saloon / Robert Samarotto --
Winter bees / Fiona Sampson --
Ariels song / William Shakespeare --
I tell the bees / Jo Shapcott --
The threshold / Jo Shapcott --
The hive / Jo Shapcott --
Going about with the bees / Jo Shapcott --
The sting / Jo Shapcott --
Buddha, lily / Su Smallen --
The queen in winter / Thomas R. Smith --
Ground bees / Thomas R. Smith --
Bee-catching / Thomas R. Smith --
Nuptial flight / Kim Stafford --
A memorial: son bret / William Stafford --
The honeycomb / Pauline Stainer --
The miracle of the bees and the foxgloves / Anne Stevenson --
Straight out of view / Joyce Sutphen --
The visitor / Barton Sutter --
A couple / May Swenson --
Entrances and exits / Mary Szybist --
Come down, o maid / Alfred Lord Tennyson --
Wild honey / Maurice Thompson --
Sweetness / Jeanie Tomasko --
Watching bees / Jeanie Tomasko --
The nature and qualities of bees / Virgil --
The farmer / Ellen Bryant Voigt --
The ir faces shall be as flames / G. C. Waldrep --
Abandoned house with vagrant bees / Michael Walsh --
The macadamia nut bees / J. P. White --
from “Spontaneous Me” / Walt Whitman --
Telling the bees / John Greenleaf Whittier --
Bees swarming / Nancy Willard --
The poet enters the sleep of the bees / Nancy Willard --
One clover, and a bee / Morgan Grayce Willow --
The girl with bees in her hair / Eleanor Rand Wilner --
The first days / James Wright --
The lake isle of Innisfree / William Butler Yeats --
from “Meditations in Time of Civil War” / William Butler Yeats --
The bee and the mosquito / Timothy Young --
Afterword / Marla Spivak.