Who are teens?: Defining the local teen community / Heather Booth ; What's hot, what's so yesterday, and how to keep up / Heather Booth ; Fast facts for librarians about the teenage brain / Heather Booth ; Teen development : the 40 developmental assets / Karen Jensen and Heather Booth ; Reading in the dark : boys, their books, and the search for answers / Eric Devine --
Who are we?: What does it mean to be a teen services librarian? / Karen Jensen ; Same pattern, different cloth : school and public librarians / Naomi Bates ; What does customer service to teens look like? / Karen Jensen ; Friend, advisor, enforcer, professional : relating to teens as a YA librarian / Maggie Hommel Thomann ; Where's the handbook for that? / Karen Jensen ; Importance of networking in the life of a teen librarian / Heather Booth and Karen Jensen ; What's in your files? : what to ditch, what to keep, and for how long / Heather Booth ; Get your reading habits organized / Allison Tran ; Growing a young adult librarian / Margaret Redrup-May --
Teen services: An introduction to the teen services plan / Karen Jensen ; Teens on the platform : YALSA's national teen space guidelines / Katherine Trouern-Trend ; Evaluation : is where you begin where you end? / Karen Jensen and Heather Booth ; Teen librarian advocacy 101 / Karen Jensen --
Programming: An introduction to teen programming / Karen Jensen ; Technology programming and teens / Stacy Vandever Wells ; Making / art : a flexible model for teen services / Erinn Batykefer ; Author visits / Kristin Trevino and Allison Jenkins ; Gaming in libraries / Justin Hoenke ; Self-directed and free-range programming / Karen Jensen --
Collections: Collection development : making the case for teen collections / Karen Jensen ; Teen collection development outline / Karen Jensen ; Are all lists created equal? / Casey Rawson ; Weeding / Heather Booth ; YA book blogs and how they can help you develop your collection / Abby Johnson and Melissa Wheelock-Diedrichs ; Next big thing in e-books / Erin Bush ; Booktalking : tips for a pro / Joni Richards Bodart ; Readers' advisory : listening is an act of love / Heather Booth ; Readers' advisory for teens / Heather Booth ; Awards, lists, reviews and readers' advisory possibilities / Francisca Goldsmith ; Are you reading YA lit? : you should be / Gretchen Kolderup --
Marketing: Marketing : an introduction / Karen Jensen ; Crafting your marketing plan / Karen Jensen ; Graphic design basics for non-graphic designers / Karen Jensen and Heather Booth ; Merchandising 101 : marketing to teens in the library / Karen Jensen ; Booktalking in your local schools as a marketing opportunity / Karen Jensen ; Make the most of your teen services social media / Karen Jensen --
Involvement: Teen involvement : putting the teen in your teen services / Karen Jensen ; Keeping the teen advisory board relevant and real / Amy Alessio --
Issues: Intellectual freedom and the teen librarian / Heather Booth and Karen Jensen ; Evaluating materials for a diverse collection / Christie Ross Gibrich and Heather Booth ; GLBTQ materials in your teen collection / Christie Ross Gibrich ; Boys in collection development and library service / Torey Maldonado ; Collection development mindful of people of color in YA literature / Debbie Reese ; Reaching reluctant readers, like me / Kelly Milner Halls ; Critical issues in juvenile detention center libraries / Jeanie Austin ; Social media and the relational reading revolution / Karen Jensen --
Appendices: Appendix A: A sample teen services plan / Karen Jensen ; Appendix B: Your teen volunteer plan / Karen Jensen ; Appendix C: Your teen-driven program plan / Karen Jensen ; Appendix D: Marketing resources : a guide with annotations / Heather Booth and Karen Jensen.