Scholarly writing and publishing principles : Types of articles and papers ; Ethical, legal, and professional standards in publishing ; Ensuring the accuracy of scientific findings ; Protecting the rights and welfare of research participants and subjects ; Protecting intellectual property rights --
Paper elements and format : Required elements ; Paper elements ; Format ; Organization ; Sample papers --
Journal article reporting standards : Overview of reporting standards ; Common reporting standards across research design ; Report standards for quantitative research ; Reporting standards for qualitative research ; Reporting standards for mixed methods research --
Writing style and grammar : Effective scholarly writing : Continuity ; Conciseness and clarity ; Grammar and usage : Verbs ; Pronouns ; Sentence construction ; Strategies to improve your writing --
Bias-free language guidelines : General guidelines for reducing bias ; Reducing bias by topic --
Mechanics of style : Punctuation ; Spelling ; Capitalization ; Italics ; Abbreviations ; Numbers ; Statistical and mathematical copy ; Presentation of equations ; Lists --
Tables and figures : General guidelines for tables and figures ; Tables ; Sample tables ; Figures ; Sample figures --
Works credited in the text : General guidelines for citation ; Works requiring special approaches to citation ; In-text citations ; Paraphrases and quotations --
Reference list : Reference categories ; Principles of reference list entries ; Reference elements : Author ; Date ; Title ; Source ; Reference variations ; Reference list format and order --
Reference examples : Author variations ; Date variations ; Title variations ; Source variations ; Textual works ; Data sets, software, and tests ; Audiovisual media ; Online media --
Legal references : General guidelines for legal references ; Legal reference examples --
Publication process : Preparing for publication ; Understanding the editorial publication process ; Manuscript preparation ; Copyright and permission guidelines ; During and after publication.