[Milwaukee, Wisconsin] : The Penworthy Company, LLC, [2020].
9780876174531, 0876174535
086002053565, 086002053602, 765023024494, 765023006858
General Note
"Penworthy STEAM to go!"
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Kit is stored in a large gusseted tote bag with a zipper and two handles.
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Also includes laminated inventory sheet.
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Book: DC super hero science / by Jennifer Hackett. 112 pages : color illustrations ; 24 cm. Published: New York, NY : Downtown Bookworks, [2019].
General Note
Kit contains: Stir-it-up chemistry lab & kitchen experiments journal (beaker, 4 test tubes, test tube rack, graduated cylinder, lab glasses, dropper, funnel, beaker, stirring rod, 22-page activity journal), Bug discovery lab & incredible insects journal (portable bug terrarium with soft plastic handle, pit trap with funnel, bug catcher, 22-page activity journal), Color safety goggles (set of 6 goggles in translucent red, blue and green), Dual lens magnifiers (set of 10 plastic magnifiers featuring 3x and 6x magnifications).
This kit is designed to teach kids about the scientific method and how to perform chemistry experiments and dig into world of insect with simple activities that can be completed with items found around the house or in nature.
Target Audience
Grades: 4+.